IZFC 2022

Bionomous is sponsoring the 17th International Zebrafish Conference The 17th edition of the International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC) is taking place in Montreal between the days 22nd and 26th of June 2022. The IZFC has been THE “go to” meeting for the zebrafish community for more than two decades. This major event is organised by the International Zebrafish Society (IZFS) successor to the “Society for Zebrafish Research” (SZR) and which provides a framework for funding and grant support for the International Conferences on Zebrafish Development and Genetics and other conferences. We…

Using zebrafish for water quality control

Water pollution is evolving into a serious human and environmental health problem. Numerous pollutants can be found in waters, including synthetic compounds, chemicals naturally present in the environment and endocrine disruptors. To ensure good water quality and safe consumption, drinking water must be certified free of these toxins. An effective and accurate quality control system is therefore essential. Over the past few years, zebrafish have made their way into this field and can now be used as in-vivo water quality control systems. To find out more, read on! Environmental health…

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Women’s contribution to zebrafish science

February 11th marked the 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The purpose of this day is to recognise the role of women in science and to promote full and equal access to science to all women and girls who wish to participate and take part in leading actions and innovations around the world. At Bionomous, we recognise the power and value of women and we have gathered in this article a bit of history of women in science, several contributions of women to research in general, and…

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Bionomous sponsored the ANZAAP Aquatic Symposium 2022

Last 7th to 11th of February the ANZAAP Aquatic Symposium 2022 took place online! Bionomous was one of the sponsors of the event, and we presented our technology in front of a very enthusiastic and curious public.  ANZAAP stands for Australia New Zealand Association of Aquatic Professionals and it is a non profit association that provides support and quality peer reviewed information to its membership of professional aquarists. The event was a total success. It was held online and thanks to the platform the organizers chose, it was interactive and…

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How zebrafish can help tackle cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common malignancy diagnosed in women and causes 270’000 deaths every year1. In 2008, the Nobel Prize of medicine was awarded to Dr. Herald zur Hausan – a German virologist and medical doctor – for his work and discoveries on HPV causing cervical cancer2. His discoveries led to a worldwide joint effort by virologists, epidemiologists, molecular biologists and clinicians to tackle the disease by preventing viral infection through the development of efficient prophylactic vaccines for HPV3. Vaccines are highly efficient and prevent the majority of…

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Get to know Bionomous: the interview

On November 19th, Bionomous celebrated two years of existence. For this special event, Bionomous’ team has interviewed Frank and Ana, the co-founders of Bionomous, to get a better insight into what it took to bring the EggSorter to life, start a company as well as the projects they have in mind for the future. If you are interested in knowing more about how Bionomous was founded, read on! https://youtu.be/6Qs22R-syBk What is Bionomous? What do you do? Frank: Bionomous is a swiss start-up that was born at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale…

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Bionomous has been granted an InnoSuisse project

Bionomous has been awarded an InnoSuisse project to collaborate with the Swiss research center CSEM. Having started the 1st of November, the InnoSuisse project aims at developing new modules compatible with Bionomous' current EggSorter to optimize and improve zebrafish embryo handling in an automatic fashion. In collaboration with CSEM we will work on the validation of our current technology and the modifications needed for the release of a final version of the EggSorter by the end of 2022.  The project also covers the development of new modules for zebrafish embryo…

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1st Lausanne Fish User Meeting

Bionomous sponsored the 1st Lausanne Fish User Meeting Last Friday 5th of November, the 1st Lausanne Fish User Meeting took place. Bionomous was one of the sponsors of the event, and Frank Bonnet, CEO and co-founder at Bionomous, and Ana Hernando, CMO and co-founder were present. The event was wonderfully organised. It was composed of different talks where the different groups using fish as a model for research presented their projects. And we say fish, yes ! As in addition to zebrafish, there was also a group using killifish, so…

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1st Lausanne Fish User Meeting

Bionomous is sponsoring the 1st Lausanne Fish User Meeting ! Next Friday 5th of November, the Lausanne community for fish research will meet for the first time. This event aims at bringing together all the groups doing research with fish in Lausanne to discuss the different topics that they study. The fish research community in Lausanne is mainly focused on zebrafish, and we also have some groups using killifish for studies in the areas of epigenetics, stem cells, aging. At Bionomous we decided to sponsor this great event since we…

Caudal fin regeneration in zebrafish

Halloween is right around the corner and you will soon be seeing various spooky creatures parading down the streets: ghosts, wizards and zombies which might even be missing a limb. While ghosts and wizards are usually classified as magical creatures, zombies have something in them which make them slightly more real. A zombie is an animated corpse which has been brought back to life and although resurrection remains completely unreal, regenerative medicine has been working on replacing and regenerating defective cells, tissues and organs with the goal of restoring normal function. Some animals…

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