Verena Zimermann, zebrafish and the Jazwinska Group

New year, new beginning! That is particularly true for Verena Zimmermann, who retired in December 2024 from her role as a laboratory technician at the Jazwinska Group (University of Fribourg, Switzerland). Verena's career The Jazwinska GroupVerena's retirementReferences Verena's career Before joining the Jazwinska Group, Verena had worked for both companies and academic research institutions on various topics and using different models. She has experience with human blood, beagles, rabbits, Drosophila, and C. elegans. It was with the Jazwinska Group, 14 years ago, that she began working with the zebrafish model.Verena is a…

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White paper – Is the EggSorter biocompatible with Zebrafish embryos?

Have you ever thought of the impact of the EggSorter in the development of your zebrafish embryos?This white paper presents a set of trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of the EggSorter in standardising the sorting process of zebrafish embryos.Results demonstrate that the use of the EggSorter does not induce adverse effects on the development of zebrafish embryos.This white paper presents a set of trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of the EggSorter in standardising the sorting process of zebrafish embryos.Results demonstrate that the use of the EggSorter does not…

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University of Exeter zebrafish welfare and reproducibility workshop

Bionomous is sponsoring the Zebrafish Welfare and Reproducibility Workshop organised by the University of Exeter! The University of Exeter and the RSPCA Animals in Science Department have organised a 2.5 day in-person workshop in Exeter, UK, from the 9th to the 11th of April. The workshop called ‘Improving Welfare and Reproducibility in Zebrafish Research’ will address the latest developments in the field of zebrafish husbandry and care, including the effects of water chemistry on zebrafish reproducibility and welfare. We are happy to sponsor this event, to exhibit the EggSorter (currently installed…

Single and ready to mingle: zebrafish mating protocols

Zebrafish are social fish, used in research notably for their ability to produce large numbers of offspring. At the end of this month under the sign of love, we are going to present to you the mating process of zebrafish and how laboratories and fish facilities manipulate this natural process to obtain many eggs at the right time. In order to ensure the quantity of eggs needed for the various experiments, it is necessary to understand and have solid knowledge about these mechanisms. Major protocols used are highlighted in this…

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Creativity in zebrafish research

In the USA, January is characterized by creativity. In fact, the creativity month celebrates outside-the-box-thinking, the expression of ourselves and the innovations. To match with this idea, we decided to highlight some original uses of zebrafish and related technologies, for which researchers have had to be creative. Some of them are: the use of zebrafish as environmental sensors, as a model to study microbiome-host interactions, as a tool for personalized medicine, on the possible uses of artificial intelligence, and finally, on a double mutant strain called “casper”.  Zebrafish as environmental…

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Bionomous has appeared on the Swiss National Television

Our CEO and co-founder Frank Bonnet has been interviewed in the show "Basik" from the Swiss National Television. This hebdomary show explores issues related to the economy, money, energy and the daily lives of people in French-speaking Switzerland. It gives us the opportunity to present our company and to talk about zebrafish and the EggSorter. Frank explained how zebrafish can be used to replace mice in research and also how the EggSorter can represent an inovative tool to sort small entities.  "Our machine automates the sorting, imaging and pipetting of small…

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Italian Zebrafish Meeting 2024

Bionomous is going to the 4th Italian Zebrafish Meeting! The Italian Zebrafish Meeting 2024 is taking place in Palermo between the 7th and the 9th of February. This meeting is focused on the research conducted in Italy using the zebrafish model. We are happy to sponsor this event and to exhibit the EggSorter. Come and visit us on our exhibition stands where we will present to you the how the EggSorter works and our company!

Do zebrafish get bored?

November is ending and in this period of late autumn people often have difficulties finding activities to keep them occupied. Rainfall and cold force us to stay at home and without inside activities, we can easily get bored. And what about zebrafish in their tank? Can they also get bored?  This article of the month aims to highlight the importance and impacts of enrichment in fish tanks on zebrafish boredom, anxiety and cognition. Enrichments are also part of the 3R’s (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) principles.  3R's principles Natural environment of…

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Fluorescent zebrafish and the detection of transgenic lines by the EggSorter

Halloween is just around the corner and zebrafish are in a spooky mood too! Did you know that fish can be fluorescent? Researchers are using fluorescent zebrafish to study a wide range of development mechanisms and pathways. This article explains how fluorescent zebrafish are obtained and how fluorescence can be detected. It also highlights the areas of use and important discoveries made possible by this technology. Finally, the article also explains how the EggSorter can be adapted to detect fluorescence.  Zebrafish transgenic lines Fluorescence detection in the EggSorter Conclusion References…

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French Zebrafish Meeting

Bionomous is going to the first French Zebrafish Meeting! The French Zebrafish Meeting is taking place in Montpellier between the 18th and the 20th of October. This meeting is focused on the use of zebrafish and other laboratory fishes at a national level. We will have an exhibition stand to present the EggSorter and highlight its possible uses for zebrafish sorting. Come and visit us on our exhibition stands where we will happily present to you the EggSorter and our company!