Zebrafish Disease Models Society

Bionomous is going to the Zebrafish Disease Models Society! The Zebrafish Disease Models Society is taking place in Durham (NC, USA) between the 2nd and the 5th of October. This meeting is focused on the reasons why zebrafish is a great disease model and on the domain in which zebrafish are involved. We will have an exhibition stand to present the EggSorter and highlight its possible uses for zebrafish sorting. Come and visit us on our exhibition stands where we will happily present to you the EggSorter and our company!

Zebrafish to study the effects and impacts of alcohol

Alcohol and alcoholism represents a major concern for public health. Each year, more than 3 million deaths are caused by excessive alcohol consumption (1). Drinking has become a regular part of going out with friends and family. Drinking alcohol not only influences the behaviour of consumers, but also their metabolism, and it is not without any effect on the organism. In order to gain a better understanding of the metabolism and effects of alcohol, numerous studies are being carried out on model organisms. This article presents the effects of alcohol…

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Virtual reality to study the zebrafish brain

Virtual reality games are becoming increasingly popular. They allow users to fully immerse themselves in another, virtual world.  Did you know that virtual reality systems are also used in research ? It is the case in the study of the brain and its mechanisms. This article is going to explain how it is possible to track neuronal activities in fish brains, using virtual reality. Studies with zebrafish where virtual reality is involved The method Conclusion References Studies with zebrafish where virtual reality is involved Virtual reality is used to study…

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Perception of seasonality in zebrafish

Summer is here and we can enjoy the long days. Longer days allow us to be more active and can give us more energy. But what about animals? Do they perceive the changing of the seasons? This month we are going to discover how zebrafish perceive environmental changes such as light and temperature. Natural range Monsoon impacts on zebrafish Perception of seasonality Conclusion References Natural range Zebrafish are found in the river Ganges and its branches in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. They can also be found in Sri Lanka and…

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New partnership between Tecnilab-BMI and Bionomous !

We are happy to announce that there is a new partnership between Tecnilab-BMI and Bionomous for the distribution of Bionomous’ products in the Benelux!  Tecnilab-BMI is a company with headquarters in the Netherlands that provides comprehensive services for biomedical facilities and pharmaceutical plants, healthcare and biosafety. Enabling high-quality scientific research. That's what they strive for at Tecnilab-BMI. They enable high-quality scientific research by offering sophisticated solutions for safe and efficient production facilities and high-quality care. As a first step in our partnership, Tecnilab-BMI team has visited Bionomous’ offices in Switzerland…

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Zebrafish as a model in Parkinson’s disease

April is Parkinson disease awareness month and for this reason, we decided to talk about zebrafish and this neurodegenerative disease. By their numerous advantages as a model organism, zebrafish show us one more time that they are relevant in neurotoxicity studies and neurodegenerative disorders. The prevalence of Parkinson disease has increased over the past 25 years (1) and for this reason, studies about the comprehension of this disease are really important to find an effective treatment.  Parkinson disease Zebrafish models of Parkinson's disease Conclusion References Parkinson disease Parkinson disease (PD)…

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Third in the series : Dr. Sharon Amacher

For the third week of our special Women’s month, we are going to present to you Dr. Sharon Amacher, an American scientist who dedicates her research to understanding muscle development, patterning and disease.  Biography Her contribution to zebrafish research Conclusion References Biography Sharon Amacher completed her entire academic studies in the United States. She first attended the University in California Berkeley to obtain a Bachelors Degree in Physiology. She then continued her studies at the University of Washington in Seattle where she obtained a PhD in biochemistry in 1993. After…

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Second in the series : Dr. Kerstin Howe

For the second week of our Women in Science month, we are pleased to present Dr. Kerstin Howe. She is a German computational biologist working on genomic sequences (1). Biography Her contribution to zebrafish research Conclusion References Biography Kerstin Howe was born in Germany. She studied Biology at the Ruhr University of Bochum in Germany where she had her diploma in 1994 and after a year working in industry returned to university to obtain a  PhD in genetics in 1999 (1,2). After she finished her PhD, she worked for one…

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First in the series : Prof. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

In March we celebrate women’s history. And we have taken this great celebration to highlight important women in the history of aquatic models research, especially zebrafish and xenopus. Every Friday of this month, we will publish one article on the fantastic discoveries made by a woman.  Today we are honored to present to you Prof. Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, a german developmental biologist and Nobel laureate.  Biography Her contribution to zebrafish research Conclusion References Biography Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard was born on October 20, 1942 in Frankfurt. Her father was an architect and her…

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European Zebrafish Meeting 2023

The 12th European Zebrafish Meeting is taking place in Krakow! This year, the European Zebrafish Meeting is taking place in Krakow (Poland) between the 9th and 13th of July and Bionomous is going to participate.  This event highlights zebrafish research by organising lectures on the advantages of this organism as a model in science. It will also be dedicated to the presentation of research advancements involving zebrafish.  We will have an exhibition stand to present the EggSorter and highlight its possible uses with zebrafish eggs. So come and meet us…