Swiss Zebrafish Meeting 2023

Bionomous is going to the Swiss Zebrafish Meeting 2023 as a Sponsor! The 15th edition of the Annual Swiss Zebrafish Meeting is taking place in Geneva on the 30th of June 2023. This event is a mini-symposium bringing together group leaders, post-docs, PhD and master students from Switzerland and surrounding regions working with the zebrafish model or similar ones. We are very excited to support the regional zebrafish community at this event, as we believe that many new collaborations and synergies can be initiated that will enrich the zebrafish community…

The EggSorter went to the ANZAAP Symposium 2023 and the 21st Australia New Zealand Zebrafish meeting

To celebrate the start of the collaboration with our distributor Tecniplast Australia, Frank Bonnet – our CEO and Co-founder, travelled to Australia and participated with the Tecniplast team in both the Australia New Zealand Association of Aquarium Professionals Symposium 2023 and the 21st Australia New Zealand Zebrafish meeting. The ANZAAP Symposium took place between the 8th and the 10th of February at the University of Melbourne. The EggSorter was presented for the first time in Australia and we are proud that our technology was very well received by the local…

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Do zebrafish fall in love?

Valentine's Day just passed and zebrafish show us their dance again. In fact, male zebrafish have a special way to seduce females: they court females by dancing!  By being an emergent model in biology and medicine, zebrafish are more and more studied and used. But do we really know about their social behavior? This article tries to better understand zebrafish breeding and mating choice in order to increase egg production in fish facilities and laboratories.  Zebrafish and its life cycle Mating choice The courtship Conclusion References Zebrafish and its life…

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Where do our aquatic models come from ?

Did you know that the EggSorter works with small biological entities from different species: from zebrafish, medaka and killifish eggs to xenopus oocytes and embryos? Sounds cool, right? But do you know where these species exactly come from and what they are used for in research? This article presents the ecology of these organisms and gives a glimpse of how they are used in research. Zebrafish Medaka Killifish African clawed frog Conclusion References Zebrafish The zebrafish is used as a model organism in laboratories because they are easy to feed…

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2nd Lausanne Fish User Meeting

Bionomous is sponsoring the Second Lausanne Fish User Meeting Bionomous is going to participate in the 2nd Lausanne Fish User Meeting. The meeting will take place on the 4th of November at the EPFL in Lausanne. In the programme of this event, several talks from the Lausanne community about zebrafish. The speakers are going to talk about their research projects and the way they use mainly zebrafish but also other fishes like killifish. Bionomous is sponsoring this event because we believe that exchanges between professionals are the best way to…

Do zebrafish like classical music ?

In laboratories and fish facilities, environmental noise management is essential to ensure the well-being of zebrafish and optimize their reproduction. Noises from the aquarium facility, as well as from human activities, can influence zebrafish behavior. In this article, we talk about how fish react to environmental sounds and how music, especially classical music can positively influence fish behavior and make experiments more reliable. Zebrafish hearing Anthropogenic sound effects on zebrafish Classical music effects on zebrafish Conclusion References  Zebrafish hearing Zebrafish can detect sounds, vibrations and motion through their well-developed auditory…

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How can zebrafish embryos help to find a personalized treatment for leukemia?

September is blood cancer awareness month. Leukemia is the broad term for blood cancer, and just in Switzerland, there are more than 1000 new cases listed per year. It is also the most common childhood cancer (1). The diversity of leukemia and the ineffectiveness of current treatments call for new treatments tailored to each individual, using the patient's own tumor cells. Zebrafish are interesting for personalized medicine due to their similarities with human genetics and physiology. In fact, about 70% of human disease genes have an equivalence in zebrafish (2). …

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ZHA European Meeting

Bionomous is sponsoring the first ZHA European Meeting The first edition of the Zebrafish Husbandry Association (ZHA) European Meeting is taking place in London on the 10th and 11th of October 2022. The ZHA European Meeting is going to be an unmissable event for people working with zebrafish and similar models. This aquatic symposium is organised by the ZHA, a non-profit organisation who shares advice for zebrafish housing and husbandry standards. ZHA focuses on education, collaboration and publications. We have decided to sponsor this great event since we believe that collaboration and interchange between…

What a month! Discover all the conferences in which Bionomous took part in June

June has been a very busy month for Bionomous' team: working on the release of the new version of the EggSorter, the adaptation of our technology to new models, and (of course) the participation and sponsoring of many different events and conferences! We started our month of June participating in Future Labs Live 2022 in Basel, Switzerland. An event where we got to learn about the new developments and trends in the Pharma industry. Ana Hernando, COO & co-founder at Future Labs Live Bionomous receiving the pitching contest award at Future…

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Swiss Zebrafish Meeting 2022

Bionomous is sponsoring the 14th Annual Swiss Zebrafish Meeting The 14th edition of the Annual Swiss Zebrafish Meeting is taking place in Basel on the 10th of June 2022. This event is a mini-symposium bringing together group leaders, post-docs, PhD and master students from Switzerland and surrounding regions working with the zebrafish model or similar ones. We are very excited to support the regional zebrafish community at this event, as we believe that many new collaborations and synergies can be initiated that will enrich the zebrafish community around us.