Reducing animal experimentation thanks to zebrafish

The use of animals for scientific research and experimentations started over 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece (1). Although initial experiments were purely observational and comparative with the intent to learn more about human physiology and anatomy, animals quickly became models for translational research in numerous biological fields, mostly to contribute to human and animal health.In this article, we will discuss the importance of animal experimentation for research, some animal welfare concerns, as well as laws and regulations which frame research good practices and finally how zebrafish are an interesting…

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What are zebrafish?

As far as research is concerned, all of us are well aware of the use of Mus musculus (mice) or Drosophila melanogaster  (fruit flies) as animal models in laboratories. But what about Danio rerio, also known as zebrafish? Over the past several years, the use of zebrafish as a model in several research areas has increased due to numerous advantages they represent. Particularly their ease of care and breeding, short generation time as well as their rapid and external development in transparent eggs make them an interesting model for molecular genetics, development, embryology and toxicology studies.In this article,…

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