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IMD Startup Competition

Bionomous is one of the winners of the 23rd annual IMD Startup Competition!

We are very excited to announce that Bionomous has been selected to participate in the IMD Startup Competition, which provides a unique opportunity to get the insights of participants in IMD’s MBA and Executive MBA programs and work with them.

This offer is open to all Swiss-based startups and runs in collaboration with the Swiss government’s Innosuisse-Swiss Innovation Agency, VentureKick, MassChallenge Switzerland, investiere and Amazon Web Services.  

This year they have selected 20 ventures (including Bionomous) and 18 startups to participate in the program in a competition that seems to have been quite tough. In their own words: “Though this year we had fewer candidates than in the last few years, the overall quality was the best that we have ever seen (and thus our decisions were harder)”

At Bionomous we are willing to learn as much as possible from IMD’s MBA students and to teach them as much as we can. We believe that collaboration and discussion are at the core of growth.

Looking forward to discuss business with them!!

To know more about the IMD Startup Competition:

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